Focusrite Saffire Pro 24 DSP

Key Points

VRM Virtual Reference Monitoring
Hear your mix in different environments, through different speakers and from different positions, just using headphones

Two High Quality Award-winning Focusrite Pre-amps
The best sounding interface in its class. Focusrite's unparalleled pre-amp legacy forms the foundation of this new interface, with two award-winning Focusrite pre-amps.

Onboard DSP-powered, latency-free tracking and mixing tools
Classic Focusrite EQ and Compression for tracking, as well as ‘comfort’ reverb to place across your monitor mixes.

High Quality 24-bit/96kHz FireWire Interface
Features high quality A-D / D-A conversion and JetPLL™ jitter elimination technology; pristine audio quality and reliable synchronisation are guaranteed.

Total I/O Count of 16 Inputs and 8 Outputs
A host of I/O options are provided, including a unique loop-back facility for routing audio between software applications via Saffire Mix Control.

Saffire Mix Control Zero-latency DSP Mixer/Router
Routing flexibility and intuitive one-click set-up solutions; Saffire Mix Control provides an 16 x 8 DSP mixer with excellent output routing and monitoring capabilities.

Xcite+ Software Bundle
Featuring a host of royalty-free loops and samples, a full-fledged Novation soft-synth and Ableton Live Lite 8, providing an affordable upgrade path to Ableton Live.

Focusrite VST/AU Plug-in Suite, for use in the mix
Upgrade your standard sequencer effects and bring a touch of class to your session with all-new Focusrite Compression, Reverb, Gating and EQ VST/AU plug-ins.

Front panel 5-LED metering
LED metering for each of the analogue inputs offers accurate viewing of levels direct from the front fascia.

Two dedicated front-panel headphone busses
Providing two fully customised monitor mixes, with tactile level control available on the front panel.

Bus-powered for a tidy mobile recording rig
Saffire PRO 24 DSP can be powered via FireWire, or via its own power supply


Virtual Reference Monitoring

The Problem
VRM (Virtual Reference Monitoring) is Focusrite’s own loudspeaker & room simulator designed for headphone listening. Accurate mixing has until now, required expensive monitors and a carefully designed and treated control room. Currently, both professional music producers facing budgetary limitations and project music makers without access to such, frequently encounter mixing and "auditioning" difficulties.

The Solution
VRM allows you to choose from 10 pairs of industry standard nearfield and main monitors in an acoustically treated control room. You can select 6 different listening positions within that room; vary your distance from the monitors and move from left to right to check stereo imaging. 

Engineers routinely A/B their mixes by burning CDs and taking them into untreated rooms to reference on consumer stereos. VRM eliminates this process by simulating two extra rooms; a large living room and a smaller bedroom. You can choose between a range of speakers including quality hi-fi, computer, cheap stereo and television speakers. As with the control room simulation, you can select between a number of listening positions to check stereo imaging and observe the effects of typical room modes on your mixes.

The Method
VRM uses standard headphones to reproduce the direct sound, together with a DSP system that is used to simulate specific monitoring scenarios. VRM's room models are mathematical models which provide greater flexibility in the possible combinations of loudspeakers and listening positions. The loudspeaker simulations are created using convolutions of impulse responses measured using the original loudspeakers. The accuracy of these simulations in different environments is taken care of by the impulse responses themselves and the way they are calculated and manipulated. Saffire Pro 24 DSP takes all the processing load off your computer.

* IMPORTANT INFORMATION: FOCUSRITE, the FF logo, VRM Virtual Reference monitoring and the VRM logo are trademarks of Focusrite Audio Engineering Ltd.
All other product names, trademarks, or trade names are the names of their respective owners, which are in no way associated, connected nor affiliated with Focusrite or its Saffire PRO 24 DSP product and which have not endorsed Focusrite’s Saffire PRO 24 DSP. These other product names, trademarks, and trade names are used solely to identify and describe the third party loudspeaker systems, the sonic behaviour of which was studied for the VRM technology incorporated within the Saffire PRO 24DSP, and to accurately describe an element of functionality within the Saffire PRO 24DSP.

The Saffire PRO 24DSP is an independently engineered technology which utilises Focusrite’s VRM Virtual Reference Monitoring (Patent applied for) to actually measure examples of the sonic impact of original loudspeaker systems upon an audio stream, so as to electronically emulate the performance of the original product studied. The result of this process is subjective and may not be perceived by a user as producing the same effects as the original products studied.

Focusrite Plug-in Suite

Saffire PRO 24 includes the Focusrite Plug-in Suite, produced by the same team that who developed Novation's nio FX rack and Saffire PRO 40 Control. They provide the perfect upgrade from your standard sequencer effects with all-new Focusrite compression, reverb, gating and EQ VST/AU plug-ins, for use in the mix.

Each plug-in has a host of presets that provide a reasonable starting point, delivering suitable solutions for the chosen sound source. Having selected a preset, you can then go on to finely tune these settings.

The compressor and gate have been modeled on the Focusrite's hardware devices, using the measurement of custom optos to achieve the signature Focusrite sound. (All Focusrite optos are tuned by ear, just like in the old days of analog design, ensuring a faithful recreation of those classic vintage 1960s optical compressors.)

With the same signature as the original Focusrite EQ curves. Focusrite's R&D team used state-of-the-art numerical transform techniques to create an authentic response across the entire audible frequency spectrum for this software EQ.

The Reverb is based on classic algorithmic studio reverb designs.

Hear VRM in Action Podcast

VRM Podcast by focusrite

Virtual Reference Monitoring is a groundbreaking new technology that allows you to mix effectively on headphones. It uses convolutions and mathematical modelling to simulate different monitors, rooms and listening positions through your headphones. It is only available in our newly Saffire PRO 24 DSP.

This technology is completely new and will be unlike anything else you will have experienced on headphones. Because it needs to be heard to be understood, we have prepared this 10 minute demonstration of VRM. This audiofile has been put together by VRM's developers, it explains how the technology was conceived and enables you to hear the results. Remember, it must be listened to on headphones: the flatter the response, the better!

Xcite+ Pack

'Xcite+' comes on a DVD-ROM filled to the brim with royalty-free loops and samples alongside some powerful applications ideal for getting the new user started, or to expand the experienced user’s creative toolbox.

Ableton Live Lite forms the foundation of this collection, providing the ideal platform to create, produce and perfom. Novation’s classic bass synth, ‘Bass Station’ enables you to create bass and 303-styled patches. Alongside these comes 'Mike the Drummer'; a collection of 572 inspiring and original live drum loops ranging from 79 to 191 bpm, with loop lengths ranging from 1 beat to 4 bars, as well as extended freestyle solo sections. Individual drum hits and REX files are also available.These drum loops are however, just the beginning. An entire gigabyte of royalty-free samples, exclusively compiled by LoopMasters, provide a selection of loops and samples large enough to satisfy the appetite of even the most demanding artist.

The Xcite+ Pack bundle is Windows XP, 32 bit Vista, Mac OS X and Intel Mac compatible.

Ableton Live Lite

Novation Bass Station

'Mike the Drummer' A collection of 572 inspiring and original live drum loops 

Over 1 Gig of royalty-free samples from samples legends, LoopMasters

Operating Systems

Use our OS checker to find the latest operating system support for your product. OS CHECKER

Compatible with:

Windows XP - 64bit
Service Pack 2 and above only. Windows Vista
Windows XP
Service Pack 2 and above only. Mac 10.4
10.4.11 is supported on version 1.8 of Saffire Mix Control only. Mac 10.5
Mac 10.6
From version 2.0 of Saffire Mix Control, both the 32 and 64 bit kernels of 10.6 (Snow Leopard) are fully supported. Windows Vista - 64bit
Windows Windows 7
From version 2.0 of Saffire Mix Control, Windows 7 is fully supported without the need to downgrade to the Windows Legacy FireWire driver. For more information about Windows 7 FireWire Drivers, please visit the Focusrite Answerbase. Windows Windows 7 - 64bit
Although from version 2.0 of Saffire Mix Control Windows 7 is fully supported without the need to downgrade to the Windows Legacy FireWire driver, users may experience better performance on 64-bit systems while using the Legacy driver. For more information about Windows 7 FireWire Drivers, please visit the Focusrite Answerbase.
NOT Compatible with:

Mac 10.3


The Focusrite Saffire PRO 24 DSP is a 16 in / 8 out FireWire audio interface, featuring real-time DSP-powered tracking and mixing solutions tailor-made for the modern home studio environment.

Alongside DSP-powered compression and EQ for ultra-low-latency tracking and ‘comfort’ reverb, is VRM; a Virtual Reference Monitoring technology that lets you hear your mix in different environments, through different speakers and from different positions, all just using headphones.

VRM makes Saffire PRO 24 DSP the only interface capable of simulating over one hundred different monitoring scenarios through your headphones. VRM overcomes the major obstacle for mixing with headphones by giving you multiple perspectives on your mix, as if you were listening through speakers. Indeed, noise levels from mixing through speakers can make it impossible for most to mix at home, especially late at night; with VRM, you can mix anytime, anywhere. Using any pair of monitoring headphones, VRM let’s you choose your mixing environment from a living room, a bedroom studio, or a professional studio. You then simply choose where you are positioned in that room and what speakers you listen through.

Saffire PRO 24 DSP draws on twenty-five years of mic pre excellence. The two Focusrite preamps capture every subtle nuance of your sound whilst ensuring low noise and distortion. Meanwhile, high-quality digital conversion and JetPLL™ jitter elimination technology ensure pristine audio quality as your audio flows between the analogue and digital domains.

Saffire PRO 24 DSP’s other real-time DSP-powered effects also exhibit Focusrite’s uncompromised approach to audio quality. EQ, compression and ‘Comfort’ reverb sonically derived from the ‘Focusrite Plug-in Suite’ (also included as VST/AU plug-ins) are all integrated within the Saffire MixControl software, providing professional ultra-low-latency tools for tracking and monitoring.

Alongside the two Focusrite preamps are a host of I/O options; two additional analogue inputs, six analogue outputs, ADAT inputs (for expanding the interface with, for example, Focusrite’s OctoPre), stereo SPDIF I/O and 2 virtual Loopback inputs for routing digital audio between software applications - ideal for capturing online audio. Front panel 5-LED metering for each analogue input offers accurate viewing of levels.

Saffire MixControl, the ultra-low-latency 16 x 8 DSP mixer/router software provided with Saffire PRO 24 DSP, sets a new standard at this price point for audio interface control. It features flexible output routing and monitoring, as well as intuitive one-click set-up solutions designed to help you track, monitor and mix as easily as possible.

Saffire PRO 24 DSP also comes with all the additional tools needed to start making music right away. These include the latest version of the Focusrite Plug-in Suite, which provides a significant upgrade from your standard sequencer effects. The suite includes compression, reverb, gating and EQ VST/AU plug-ins.

Focusrite’s established Xcite+ bundle is also included. The bundle features Ableton Live Lite (for all your production, performance and compositional needs), Novation’s Bass Station soft synth and over 1 gig of royalty-free samples from Loopmasters and ‘Mike the Drummer’.

Saffire PRO 24 DSP combines two award-winning Focusrite preamps and a host of other I/O with VRM Virtual Reference Monitoring, integrated real-time tracking and monitoring effects, and easy-to-use mix control software. Together, they deliver the most comprehensive professional compact music-recording interface to date.

The Focusrite Pre

Focusrite has, over the past decade, built a reputation as the market leader for high quality recording equipment, with its mic preamp technology as the cornerstone of that enviable reputation. The original mic pre, as featured in the early Focusrite Forté console, used rotary switched gain controls and high quality audio transformers. This preamp is still used by many of the industries greatest producers and is the sound of countless hit records. Today, Focusrite design equipment for a far greater audience, from professionals to amateur enthusiasts, all with varying budgets.

As with the Red and ISA ranges, the mic preamp technology found in the Platinum and Saffire ranges is designed to the highest possible standards. They uphold the same wide bandwidth philosophy featured in the original Forté console, back in 1989. All Focusrite mic pres feature custom components which have undergone an intense testing and qualification process. With the facts and figures in, Focusrite designs then have to pass the essential listening stage. Any design can measure well on the test bench but only a great design can be qualified in the studio. The FET-based design in the Saffire range is no exception and ensures the same low noise and distortion performance as earlier transformer-based designs. It delivers clarity without colouration and exhibits the signature transparency for which Focusrite have become famous.

24 / 24 DSP - Differences

The main additional feature on the PRO 24 DSP (from the PRO 24) is an onboard DSP chip which powers the Virtual Reference Monitoring feature, and tracking tools such as compression, limiting and comfort reverb without any strain on your computer's CPU.

It also comes with an extra headphone output on the front of the unit so two people can reference the mix using VRM. The PRO 24 DSP also has Dim and Mute switches on the front panel.

System Requirements



Apple Macintosh with FireWire 400 port (or 800 port with 800 to 400 adaptor)

PowerPC G4/Dual 1 GHZ or faster or any Intel-based Mac

Memory (RAM)
512 MB (more recommended)

Screen Resolution
1024x768 (1280x1024 or more recommended)


Windows compatible computer with FireWire 400 port.

Pentium or AMD with 1 GHz or higher (Dual 1 GHz or better recommended)

Memory (RAM)
512 MB (more recommended)

Screen Resolution
1024x768 (1280x1024 or more recommended)



We always quote 'real world' performance figures (measured to the AES17 standard). Some companies choose to quote chipset performance, which is misleading, and here's why.

Microphone Inputs
• Dynamic Range (A-Weighted): 106dB
• SNR (A-weighted): -105.3dB
• Frequency Response: 20Hz - 20kHz +/- 0.1 dB
• THD+N: 0.001% (measured at 1kHz with a 20Hz/22kHz bandpass filter)
• Noise: EIN > 125dB (128dB analogue to digital) (measured at 60dB of gain with 150 Ohm termination (20Hz/22kHz bandpass filter)
• Maximum level (A-weighted): 8.6dBu at 1%

Line Inputs
• Dynamic Range (A-Weighted): 106.5dB
• SNR (A-weighted): -106dB
• Frequency Response: 20Hz - 20kHz +/- 0.1dB
• THD+N (A-Weighted): < 0.001% (measured with 0dBFS input and 22Hz/22kHz bandpass filter)
• Noise: -90dBu (22Hz/22kHz bandpass filter)
• Maximum level (A-weighted): 16.3dBu at 1%

Instrument Inputs
• Frequency Response: 20Hz - 20kHz +/- 0.1dB
• THD+N: 0.004% (measured with 0dBu input and 20Hz/22kHz bandpass filter)
• Noise: -87dBu (20Hz/22kHz bandpass filter)

Line level Outputs
• Dynamic Range (A-Weighted): 105dB
• SNR (A-weighted): -104.5dB
• THD+N: < 0.001% (measured with 0dBFS input and 22Hz/22kHz bandpass filter)
• Maximum level (A-weighted): 16.13dBu at 0.885%

Additional Conversion Performance
• Clock jitter < 250 picoseconds
• THD+N AMPL (A-weighted)= -107dBFS


Analogue Channel Inputs (Inputs 1-4)
• 2 x XLR Mic/Line Neutrik Combi-Jacks (Inputs 1-2) 
• 2 x XLR Instrument Neutrik Combi-Jacks (Instrument on inputs 1 and 2 only) 

Automatic switch of Mic / Line (inserting a jack switches from Mic to either Line or Instrument (instrument selected via the software control panel)

Line inputs 3-4 have low and high gain settings can be controlled from the Saffire MixControl software (low gain being the default)

Digital Channel Inputs (Inputs 5-14) 44.1-96kHz
• Stereo S/PDIF input on RCA
• 1 x 8 channel ADAT input on Optical Connector (SDPIF 3&4 set in preferences menu)

Analogue Audio Outputs (Outputs 1-6)
6 x TRS analogue outputs (Outputs 1-6)
2 x TRS stereo headphone output (headphone mix 1 same as outputs 3 & 4, headphone mix 2 same as outputs 5 & 6)

Digital Channel Outputs (Outputs 7-8) 44.1-96kHz
• Stereo S/PDIF output on RCA

Other I/O
• 1 x 6-pin Firewire socket
• 2 Standard 5-pin DIN MIDI connectors: In and Out
• 12V DC power input connector for use with external PSU

Weight and Dims
• 1.6kg / 3.5 lbs
• 215mm / 8.5" (W) x 45mm / 1.8" (H) x 220mm / 8.65" (D)
